

Hi, I’m Dipyaman Roy. I’m a Computer Science undergraduate. My interests include privacy, security and data analysis. Contributing to open-source projects is also something I’m very passionate about. If you meet me away from my desk, I’d probably be drinking coffee or telling you about how Charlie Kaufman movies are the pinnacle of creative expression.

I’m well versed in Python, C and C++. Currently in the process of learning Rust. Here’s a list of tools and libraries I’m well acquanted with: Bash, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn, Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch, OpenCV, Nmap, Nikto, Hydra, Burpsuite, Splunk, Metasploit, Docker, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AutoCAD, Matlab, LaTeX, Typst.

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